2017 And Beyond
SOAR has come a long way over the past several years and we are excited for the year to come. We have some exciting changes and expansion that will help continue the momentum we have going.
Watch the video to learn more.
Communities can do great things when people work together, and SOAR is proof of that. Before 2008, courts in Southern Oklahoma had no choice but to send nonviolent drug and alcohol offenders to jail or prison. It was a worrisome situation. Jail sentences not only put an unfair burden on taxpayers; they offered little hope of recovery for people with the potential to learn from their mistakes. SOAR was created to give offenders a chance to beat their addictions, pay their own way by working, and become productive members of their communities. It’s a unique partnership of the criminal justice system, local employers, churches, community organizations and individuals, and it keeps growing. We are exploring ways to expand our services for men and hoping to start a similar program for women. We’re thankful for everybody in the SOAR family, and we’re looking forward to more amazing results.