We believe that steady work builds self-confidence and personal responsibility.
We contract with local employers who compensate SOAR directly for the client labor, which is negotiated at an hourly rate. As a result of the work ethic we encourage and instill in our clients, employers in our community enthusiastically support our program. It's a “win-win” scenario for clients and employers.
New program members are usually placed in jobs during their first week. We try to match each client's skills and ability with each job. SOAR members wake up at an assigned time, make their beds, have breakfast, and go to work.
Employers benefit in a number of ways. Since our employees are court-ordered to take part in a work program, they are available for continuous employment for six months or more. They are driven to work on time and ready to start the day. Their work must be satisfactory or they are subject to removal, and their sobriety is ensured due to strict drug and alcohol testing.
We're proud of the work we do, and especially proud of successful SOAR members who stay in in their jobs after graduation from the program.
Our clients are encouraged to broaden their spiritual lives as well as their commitment to sobriety and service. As often as possible, Saturdays are reserved for community service projects at local schools, churches, homes for the elderly and other institutions.
SOAR staff members know the “real world” of addiction because they've been there themselves. They are recovering addicts who have completed 12-step programs and maintained solid sobriety.
Staffers guide clients through their own 12-step programs and help them strengthen their spiritual lives. Program members are driven to church services, meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, and other recovery groups. Twelve-step meetings are also held in the SOAR facility. Abstinence from drugs and alcohol is strictly monitored through testing.
We believe recreation is also important in recovery. Clients who earn the privilege may participate in local sports leagues, attend events at East Central University, rodeos and movies. There are also special meals and celebrations on holidays.